What impact did developments in Q1 2024 have on the returns*? This is shown below for each investment profile.

- The returns shown are calculated to the end of March 2024.
- The returns shown are net of fund costs but exclude investment administration fees charged by a.s.r.
- The benchmarks for our investment profiles are composed proportionally.
- These tables show the average annual returns of the investment schedules corresponding to the investment profiles and ages indicated for the specified period.
*The above returns apply to all defined contribution (DC) schemes with a.s.r. investments, except those of the DoenPensioen, as the investment mix of that product deviates.
This quarter, there were negative returns on government bonds included in the last part of the lifecycle. These play an important role in protecting nominal pension benefits against declining interest rates in the last few years before retirement. Why is this the case? We are happy to explain the reasons for this in this video.
“Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Nevertheless, we aim to offer more insight by also showing average annual returns measured over a longer period of time."